
Principal's Report - 3rd February 2021


​Welcome back to our returning school families and a very warm welcome to our 2021 Prep students and new families joining us this year.  I would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new staff, joining our dedicated Mareeba State School team:

  • Ms Sarah Poggioli – Year 1
  • Mrs Erin Kendall – Year 2
  • Ms Kirsty Shakespeare – Year 4
  • Mrs Vanessa Doyle – Year 4
  • Ms Shannon Berge – Year 5
  • Ms Emma Sandilant – Year 6
  • Ms Wendy Harris-Gallichan – Guidance Officer
  • Tracey Marcel  - Family Liaison Officer

Mareeba SS recognises the importance of partnerships and ensuring all students, staff and families feel welcomed and a sense of belonging.  During the first 2 weeks of school, our students have been fortunate enough to work on their 'We All Belong' pride projects with their new classmates and teacher.  These projects will be on display this Friday with classroom teachers opening their doors for families; Years 3-6 2pm, Prep – Year 2 2:30pm. 

Many thanks to our wonderful P&C, in particular Ms Lisa Hastie, our wonderful Tuckshop Convenor, for organising the Meet & Greet BBQ held on Friday 22nd January.  It was very pleasing to see so many families take the opportunity to meet their child's teacher and drop off student books, easing the first day stress levels.  Our P&C is a vital part of our school community with the team working tirelessly to support student learning and improve facilities. If you would like to join our P & C, the association meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, with our AGM and first meeting scheduled for Tuesday 16th March. 

Like every year, we spend the first few weeks of the year welcoming our returning and new families, ensuring all children within our community are enrolled and ready for school.  Our departmental requirements ask that we record our Day 8 student enrolment numbers annually, assisting our regional education department to accurately staff each school.  As a result of this census, changes to classroom structures and staffing may occur after a few weeks of school.  If this is the case, parent communication and smooth transitions will be paramount.

Whilst your child's classroom teacher should be your first point of call for questions or queries, there may be times you require a meeting with your child's Deputy Principal Line Manager, for students with a disability, our Head of Special Education or for matters regarding Behaviour Management our Head of Department Behaviour:

Deputy Principal P-Year 2 – Brooke Carmody

Deputy Principal Years 3 & 4 – Nyree Burton

Deputy Principal Years 5 & 6 – Michael Nielsen

Head of Special Education Prep – Year 6 – Pina Carroll

Head of Department Behaviour Prep – Year 6 – Cherene Trimble

Communication is an important tool at Mareeba SS and we encourage our families to keep an eye out for notes, our fortnightly newsletter, Facebook page and website for key information regarding upcoming events, parent workshops and much more.

Finally, thank you for a great start to the new school year. Our staff look forward to working with you throughout another rewarding school year.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information.

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Last reviewed 03 February 2021
Last updated 03 February 2021