Welcome back to term 2. This term we have many exciting learning opportunities for students to engage with.
- Students will be attending excursions that are aligned with their curriculum. Prep students will be visiting the MSC Library; Year 1 students have a visit from Zoo to You presenters; Year 2 Students are touring the town, Year 4 students will be visiting Rainforest Station in Kuranda and Year 6 students will be taking part in a transition day to high school. Both Year 5 and 6 students will be hearing from some experts in the area of out of space.
- 'A Round of Maths Destruction' will be held in week 10. This is a competition based on number facts that students can nominate for. Nominations will open soon, more information to come. Medallions will be awarded for first, second and third place getters in each year level from Year 1 – Year 6.
- Bravehearts will be attending MSS this term, more information to come..
- At the end of Semester One students will receive a written report card. Report cards will be emailed home on the last day of school. Please ensure the office has received your most up to date email address. Students without an email address will be given a paper copy of their report card to bring home. Students will be reported on the Australian Curriculum areas of English, Maths, Science, HASS, Health & Physical Education, The Arts (either for Visual Arts or Drama) and Technologies. Year 5 and 6 students will also be reported on in the area of LOTE - AUSLAN.
- Mareeba State School subscribes to the online mathematical program 'Matific'. This program develops students' mathematical skills and understandings in a fun and engaging way. Students are able to use Matific at home on either a computer or iPad. They just use the same username and password that they use at school. If you would like a copy of your child's Matific log in details please see your class teacher. They will be pleased to provide this to you.
- Mareeba State School also subscribes to the online reading program 'Decodable Readers Australia'. This program allows students to practise their reading skills at a level appropriate to them. Once again, students use their MIS ID and the password is 'reader'.
Nadine Apps (HODC Prep – 1) Cherene Trimble (HODC 2 – 6)