Thank you to the parents who attended the P-6 Numeracy Workshop last Wednesday morning. We had lots of fun learning about maths and playing games that promote mathematical thinking.
Mareeba State School subscribes to the online mathematical program 'Matific'. This program develops students' mathematical skills and understandings in a fun and engaging way. Students are able to use Matific at home on either a computer or iPad. They just use the same username and password that they use at school. If you would like a copy of your child's Matific log in details please see their class teacher. They will be pleased to provide this to you.
The end of the first semester of 2021 is quickly approaching. This means students will receive a written report card on Wednesday, June 23rd. Report cards will be emailed home on this day. Please ensure the office has received your most up to date email address. Students without an email address will be given a paper copy of their report card to bring home.
Students will be reported on the Australian Curriculum areas of English, Maths, Science, HASS (except for Prep), Health & Physical Education, The Arts (either for visual arts or drama) and Technologies. Year 5 and 6 students will also be reported on in the area of LOTE-AUSLAN.
The Reading Cafe will recommence on Tuesday 20th July 2021 for years P-6. The Reading Cafe runs every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8:30 - 8:55am in the library. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to come along and practice their reading and/or complete homework. Every time a student visits, they receive a Milo, and every 10th visit earns them a cupcake.
Volunteers to assist in hearing students read are always appreciated. If you are able to assist, please join us in the library on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Remember what Dr Seuss says:
- Valerie Dayes (HODC Prep-2) & Nadine Apps (HODC 3-6)