Our term is quickly drawing to an end and we have had some great attendance data over the last term, and semester.
The current data for Semester 1 on One School (our school data system) shows our attendance as:
All student data is 84.4%
Students attending < 85% of the time is 37.3%
Students attending > 95% of the time is 32.9%
So what this data means is that the students sitting in the >95% (95% and over) category will be invited to our Term 2 Attendance Celebration Movie Party! This will be held in Term 3 on Thursday 15th July as we like to track our attendance up to the last day of term.
The data that is <85% at 37.3% is way too high and is something our staff work very hard with families and agencies to improve. The FNQ target for this is 10% so as you can see, we have ongoing work to do in this area. There are many reasons for this high percentage and sickness, family holidays and Sorry Business do fit into this area. Our school target is to get that percentage down to 20% for 2021, and then 15% for 2022, etc.
On closing, I need to offer a huge 'thank you and well done' to Ms Tracy, our FLO and the team from Wannabe who work tirelessly with our families to improve student attendance.
Thank you to our teachers and staff for the work in the classrooms to engage the students who come everyday to learn and discover new things.
Finally, thank you families for sending your child/ren to MSS and for the privilege we have of working with each and every one of you all. Attendance, engagement, connection and belonging is everybody's work and together we will get there.
Wishing a happy and safe holiday to you all.
See you in Term 3!
- Nyree Burton, Deputy Principal