Our tuckshop is open 5 days a week from 8:30am - 1:40pm
and is a service provided by our P&C Association. We have a wide variety of meals, snacks and drinks, including healthy choices and gluten-free options. Click here to see our Tuckshop Menu.
Students are asked to place their tuckshop orders before first bell (Prep to Year 4 students are to place their orders in classroom tuckshop boxes). The correct change must be enclosed. Online ordering is also available through Flexischools.
Our tuckshop convenor is Lana Perkes and can be contacted on (07) 4092 8124. If you are a parent or carer who is interested in volunteering in the tuckshop, application forms are available from the school office.
To volunteer at Mareeba State School, you will need a Blue Card (Qld Working with Children Check). Click here to apply.