Welcome back to term 2! Special welcome to our new families who have joined MSS this term. The start of term 2 has been a lovely calm start with our ARTIE attendance launch last week and our special ANZAC day service held earlier this week. A big thank you to our invited guests; Mayor Angela Toppin, Councillor Locky Bensted, Mr Colin Carsons an RSL Representative, deaf community members, Mr Barry Lynne and Mr John De Lai, and Ms Jennifer Parsons a representative from Mulungu for joining our service. A big thank you to Mrs Wendy Tilse for organising this significant event. Well done and thank you to the staff and students who joined me at our Mareeba Community ANZAC service march on Tuesday. Your representation of our school was very pleasing.
Our Brady Park upgrade will be starting in Week 3. This upgrade will be a welcomed refurbishment of our current oval as well as the upgrade of Brady Park, ensuring it is suitable for our students to use on both a daily basis and for athletics carnivals. Don't forget that some of the impacts during construction time will include the following so be mindful of this in the upcoming weeks.
- Reduced school oval space (as there is below ground works that will need to occur)
- Removal of part of the oval fence (which will be re-assembled)
- Changes to traffic conditions on Constance Street near the oval – keep an eye out on our Facebook page and via email
- Some tree removal (this will be kept to a minimal where possible)
Throughout the course of the project, we will keep families and our community regularly updated and I want to thank you in advance for your patience – just in case things don't go to plan along the way!
Special mention to our families who have recently paid their family voluntary contributions. These contributions assist our school in purchasing materials for engaging lessons such as Science and Art as well as other special activities throughout the year. This year the contributions are set as follows: - $50 per student, $120 per family (3 students or more). The account details for direct deposit are: BSB: 064-812 Account no - 0009 0302.
Term 2 is always a term known for its busy nature and this year will be no different. In the next 2 weeks we have the following events occurring. Be sure to check out our date claimer for other important events.
- Student reading café begins today 27th April
- Year 3 excursion to the Mareeba Pool 3rd & 4th May
- Year 1 Zoo to You visit 2nd May
- District Cross Country in Yungaburra 3rd May
- 2K and 2C excursion 4th May
- 2B, 2P and 1/2B excursion 5th May
- Premier's morning tea for our School Captains 10th May
This Term is also a student progress reporting term with individual Student Report Cards emailed out on Wednesday 21st June. Families are encouraged to visit our Facebook page or website for more event details and ensure your most current contact details are on record with the school office. Be sure to check out my Principal Blogs located on our website for in depth information regarding different events and school processes including Reporting.