99% of Success is Simply Showing Up
Is your Attendance on track?
At Mareeba State School each semester we ensure that we acknowledge those students that have put in the effort and commitment to attendance. Every student has the opportunity to attend our 95% and above Attendance celebration, which is held at the end of Term 2 and the end of Term 4.
It's great to see so many students monitoring their own attendance and striving for this goal. Our attendance team get asked regularly by students to check what their percentage of attendance is because their goal is to attend the End of Semester Attendance Parties.
As a guide to help you monitor if you are on track to reach the target of 95% students can only be absent for a maximum of 4 ½ days off across both Term 1 and Term 2. Are you on track to attend our Semester 1 95% Attendance Party?
We need your help……
On an average Monday to Thursday our whole school attendance averages from 85 – 88%, however on Friday's our whole school attendance drops down to around 75%. Fridays are still a critical learning day for students with curriculum still being taught in every classroom. Fun Friday afternoon were introduced to reward students for their efforts during the week. It is a celebration of the week's work and accomplishment with teacher and students enjoying this time together.
If you have any ideas on how to increase our Friday attendance with us, please come along to the PEGs meeting Friday 17th March @ 9:30am in the library. Similiarly, you could email our FLO Tracy, tmarc36@eq.edu.au. Looking forward to your ideas!!!! Every Day Counts
Nyree and Tracy