At Mareeba State school our Attendance Target is 95%! We understand however, that everyone has days when they may be sick and we apricate your commitment to stopping the spread of illnesses within our school. It is vital that when your children are sick you keep them home until they have recovered fully, and ask that you please contact the front office or your child's classroom teacher either via phone, e-mail or school SMS. If we know that your child is unwell we can mark their roll accordingly.
We have been so very proud of all our classes and students striving to reach this goal and we have 3-4 classes reach this target every day, we are so proud of your commitment to attending and learning.
School attendance is an individual journey for each and every child. Some children love and enjoy every moment at school while we acknowledge that some children struggle with being at school.
Our Student Services HUB is a place that we can assist your child to work out what barriers are stopping your child from attending school and how we can help increase that attendance.
Children may be anxious in the morning and simply need a place to sit, chat and read before heading to class or they may refuse to get out of the car. We can assist with meeting you at the gates for a calm, supported drop off.
If you are struggling with your child's attendance or reluctance to come to school, please contact us and we can put you in contact with the right person for your child.
Student Absence Line: 40 928 166
Student Absence E-Mail:
SMS: Reply to Daily Absent SMS sent out automatically after 9:30am