At Mareeba State School, our mission statement is:
'Every Day in Every Classroom, Every Student is Learning and Achieving.'

We commit to focusing on
High Quality
- Having
challenging academic targets
- Every child is
learning and achieving
Quality Relationships
- Positive
behaviour for learning practices that ensure that students are safe and happy
to attend our school

- Positive
relationships between staff, students and families are fostered to maintain a
supportive educational environment
- Strong
partnerships between the school and community are promoted and encouraged
Quality Curriculum
- Ongoing
refinement of school curriculum, teaching practices, assessment and reporting
for Early Phase of Learning and Middle Phase of Learning, in accordance with
the Australian Curriculum, the Qld P-12 Framework and current educational
- Curriculum
integration and promotion of Information and Communication Technology
(computers) to ensure all students are learning and achieving
- The school’s
Performing Arts programs will continue to be seen as making our school
Quality Teaching
- Implementation of
an explicit teaching approach including a Whole School Pedagogy – I do, We do,
You do and the use of Warm Ups to embed critical content in long term memory
- Development of
consistent delivery of a focussed reading program throughout the whole school
- Continued development
of effective Early Education teaching practices with a focus on literacy and
- Implantation of
an effective intervention program to ensure students meet year level
expectations and targets
- Differentiated
approaches that meet the needs of a diverse range of learners
- Professional
development for staff driven by whole school initiatives and curriculum
School Values and Beliefs
The School
- Acknowledges individual patterns of child growth
(physical, social, emotional and intellectual) and develops learning
experiences in a way that facilitates continuous and systematic learning for
the “whole child”.
- Acknowledges that each child is an individual and
builds upon the needs and interests of children as well as considering their
individual learning styles.
- Is aware of the variety of cultural backgrounds in our
school and community, and provides opportunities for all to be exposed to the diversity
of cultural heritage.
- Will endeavour to meet the needs of the community and
to recognise education as being a partnership between the teachers, students,
parents and community.
- Believes discipline and manners will be expected and
re-enforced in the school community.
- Will take responsibility in preparing young people for
informed and effective participation as citizens in our society through
progressive and continuous programming in curricular and extra curricular
- Will extend social and intellectual horizons by
exposing the children to processes and skills which they will be able to use in
future situations in our ever-changing society.
- Believes that the act of learning is not
isolated. Life skills will be taught
through problem solving in contextual situations.
- Believes all children should have equal opportunity at
school, and that each child learns to take responsibility for his/her own

- Fosters the independence and resilience of the
- Believes in promoting a classroom and school
environment that creates positive attitudes, promotes cooperation, encourages
participation, is safe, non-threatening, stimulating and enjoyable where learning
and teaching are valued.
- Believes in professional development and professional
support for all.
- Believes that collaboration and participative
decision-making are necessary for the best functioning of the school