
Curriculum Update 09-11-22


Curriculum Update

Week 6 Term 4 2022


The end of 2022 is quickly approaching.  Teachers and students are commencing assessment tasks for each learning area so report cards can be written and distributed before the holidays.


Students are assessed and reported on in the Australian Curriculum areas of English, Maths, Science, HASS, Health & Physical Education, The Arts (either Visual Arts or Music) and Technologies.  Year 5 and 6 students will also be reported on in the area of LOTE - AUSLAN.


A 5-point scale is used to report on student achievement.  The table below outlines the 5-point scale for different in year levels:

PrepYears 1 - 2Years 3 - 6
Applying (AP)Evidence in the student's work typically demonstrates a depth of conceptual understanding and a sophistication of skills from the standard that are able to be transferred to new situations.



Evidence in the student's work typically demonstrates a very high conceptual understanding and application of skills from the standard that are able to be transferred to new situations.AEvidence in the student's work typically demonstrates a sophistication of conceptual understanding and skills from the standard that are able to be transferred to new situations.
Making Connections (MC)Evidence in the student's work typically demonstrates that they are making connections with the conceptual understandings and skills from the standard and are beginning to transfer them to new situations.HighEvidence in the student's work typically demonstrates a high conceptual understanding and application of skills from the standard and are beginning to transfer them to new situations.BEvidence in the student's work typically demonstrates a developing sophistication of conceptual understanding and skills from the standard and these are beginning to be transferred to new situations.
Working With (WW)Evidence in the student's work typically demonstrates that they are working with the conceptual understanding and skills from the standard and are able apply them in familiar situations.SoundEvidence in the student's work typically demonstrates a sound conceptual understandings and skills from the standard and are able to apply them in familiar situations.CEvidence in the student's work typically demonstrates that they have developed the required conceptual understandings and skills to meet the standard and are able to apply them in familiar situations.
Exploring (EX)Evidence in the student's work typically demonstrates that they are still developing the required conceptual understandings and skills from the standard and are beginning to apply them in familiar situations.DevelopingEvidence in the student's work typically demonstrates that they are developing conceptual understandings and skills from the standard and are beginning to apply them in familiar situations.DEvidence in the student's work typically demonstrates that they are still developing the required conceptual understandings and skills from the standard and that they are beginning to be applied in familiar situations.
Becoming Aware (BA)Evidence in the student's work typically demonstrates an awareness of the required conceptual understandings and skills from the standard and these can only be applied with support.Support RequiredEvidence in the student's work typically demonstrates the need for additional support. Conceptual understanding and skills from the standard can be applied only with support.EEvidence in the student's work typically demonstrates that the student has not yet developed the required understanding and skills to meet the standard and that they can only apply them in scaffolded situations.


Semester 2 report cards will be either emailed or sent home to parents on Wednesday, December 7th.   Please ensure the office has your up to date email address.

If you require two copies of your child's report card please let your child's class teacher know as soon as possible.​


Valerie Dayes and Teresita Nastasi

Heads of Department - Curriculum

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Last reviewed 09 November 2022
Last updated 09 November 2022