PBL Update
The Respect & Collect Shop will be up and running this week! There is no physical location for the shop, and it will be more like Amazon or eBay, where students will have an order form with how many PayWay tokens each item will cost. Students can tick what they would like and it will be delivered to them. Please keep in mind that some of the items are not for the school grounds, and will be given at the end of the day to take home. Some items will also sell quickly, and we may not be able to replace them the same as before. Encourage your children to keep banking their PayWay with their name and class on the deposit slip.
Students have been very successful in learning the MSS values. Students are easily recalling the 3 'I Respects'. Last week and continuing this week, our focus expectation is 'Hands Off! Feet Off!' At MSS we do not accept physical violence towards staff or students and there will be consequences for this inappropriate behaviour.
All students should have a Mind Jar. If you still have a Mind Jar at home please send it back to school, as we would love to be able to reuse it. This week we begin to look at the Hand Model of the Brain and start to explore the difference between a balanced brain and when you 'flip your lid'.
Other Information
If you have any of last year's uniforms, shoes and bucket hats taking up space, please send them in to the office. They will be very much cherished and loved.
This year the 'BM' room can be found in the Hub. You can still contact us by phoning the main office on 4092 8100.
- Cherene Trimble, Head of Department - Behaviour