Hi, my name is Deidre Brumby and I am a Wakaman Kuku Djugan Ewamain Okola woman.
I am the A.R.T.I.E. Co-Ordinator at the Mareeba State School every Tuesday and Thursday. I am in the same role at Mareeba State High School every Wednesday.
What is ARTIE?
A.R.T.I.E. is Achieving Results Through Indigenous Education and it's based around attendance, behaviour and social/emotional regulation in both the classroom and on the school grounds.
My role is to encourage indigenous students to attend school regularly and when at school, be engaged in learning and participating in lessons. I also work with the HUB team to focus on our MSS Respects: I Respect Learning, I Respect Safety, I Respect Me & You.
A.R.T.I.E. rewards students for attendance 90% and over, with a variety of prizes at the end of each term. Each term is a different reward such as bucket hats, bags, t-shirts, hoodies, towels, Sugar World Trip etc.
A.R.T.I.E. sets challenges for students who need help with attending more regularly, such as short- and long-term goals. We have Gold, Silver and Bronze Reward Charts for students who are put on challenges and who has achieved the goals.