As things have been heating up this term, all year levels have been enjoying a cool change at the pool. At Mareeba SS, we aim to ensure that all students develop an awareness of water as well as learn about the possible dangers that can accompany it. We try to make students feel comfortable in and around water, so that they can keep themselves safe and calm, and be able to get themselves and others out of dangerous situations if need be. Of course, students also learn about strokes such as breast stroke and freestyle, and some of the older students are exposed to survival strokes such as survival backstroke and sidestroke. Swimming is a very important skill that all Far North Queenslanders should master.
Some students have also participated in free Sporting Schools soccer and rugby league sessions before and after school. Participating students have reported that Sporting Schools sessions have been thoroughly enjoyable. Furthermore, some of our Year 5 and 6 students will soon commence training sessions in preparation for the annual Wayne Srhoj Cup and Chris Sheppard & Debbie Sheppard Cup against St Thomas' School which will occur in Week 9 of this term. This is highly anticipated and the students are showing that they are keen to begin preparations.
- Daniel Samanes & Remy Fry, HPE Teachers