Curriculum article for Sentinel
Welcome to 2022. We are the Heads of Department Curriculum at Mareeba State School (commonly referred to as HODCs).
Head of Department Curriculum Prep – Year 2 is Mrs Valerie Dayes and Head of Department Curriculum Years 3 – 6 is Mrs Nadine Apps. We are looking forward to working with students and teachers in these year levels. We are both located in the library.
Here is a quick overview of the English units that students will be studying in Term 1:
Prep – Explore The Very Hungry Caterpillar and other stories – orally retell their favourite story
Year 1 – Exploring how narrative stories work and providing a response about their favourite story
Year 2 – Creating a new narrative using a familiar animal character
Year 3 – Write a narrative on the theme of their own choice
Year 4 – Write an alternative chapter for the story 'The Twits'
Year 5 – Write a narrative on the theme 'Gold Rush'
Year 6 – Write a narrative that explores an issue associated with The Great Barrier Reef
The Reading Café will not operate in term 1 due to covid restrictions. Reading Café will resume in term 2.
To start the 2022 school year, each class worked on a 'We All Belong' project during the first week of school. Photos of class projects were shared on our Mareeba State School Facebook page.
This term we will be conducting the inaugural MSS Spelling Bee Competition for students in years 2 - 6. The competition will be held in week 10. Interested students need to organise their team of 3, complete their nomination form and return this to the HODCs by week 7. The winning team for each year level will receive a prize and all competitors will receive an encouragement award. Further details regarding the Spelling Bee will be distributed closer to the date.
Valerie Dayes (HODC Prep – 2) Nadine Apps (HODC 3 – 6)