MSS has high expectations!
I Respect Learning:
- Be confident, organised, on time
- Be resilient, persist, co-operate
- Listen, learn, participate
For the next 2 weeks, we will have the same 3 expectations – still the same! By the end of the 5 weeks, all staff and students will be able to recall and using Auslan to sign the Respect and the 3 expectations. We should hear staff and students using this language in the classroom and in the playground. By having the same expectations for 5 weeks we can also focus on giving PayWay for the expectations. This does not mean we forget about the others as especially Hands Off! Feet Off!
We have a number of different activities for students to engage in at lunchtimes and have a time table up in all classroom and around the school. If a student is having problems the MSS process to follow is:
- Playground issues need to be immediately reported to the staff member on duty in that area
- In class issues need to be reported to the classroom teacher who is teaching the class at that time
- If your student reports issues to you at home, the first point of call is the classroom teacher
- All academic and/or learning concerns are directed to the classroom teacher
Please discuss what this looks like at school – it may be different from school to home, but this is the MSS way and the discourse that MSS expects while at school and representing MSS.
In the unfortunate event that a student does receive a timeout in inappropriate behaviour in the playground at lunchtimes they will:
- Attend the Hub for timeout
- Discuss with MSS staff the reason for the timeout and better choices
- Complete a reflection (apology letter, writing rules, restorative practice)
- On most occasions a SMS will be sent home to inform parents/carers that the student has attended timeout
Respect & Collect Shop
Great to have a huge increase in students banking to be in the running for Tricky Tuesday. We do need to see regular banking to be in the running for Tricky Tuesday. Remember 'Do the respecting and get the collecting'! Keep an eye out for new items to be purchased.