PEGS is a small group of parents and carers who meet once a term for a 45 minute session to share feedback around the school priorities.
The Deputy Principal-Student Support & Welfare leads the discussion around a range of topics and the PEGS members offer constructive feedback and ideas. The discussion takes the form of 'around the table' and 'pair/share' so all group participants can contribute to the meeting.
From the discussion, the DP takes all information back to the Leadership Team to discuss and action. Information is then emailed back to PEGS.
Meetings are usually held on Friday at 9.30am, straight after our junior parade, and occurs in the second half of each term. PEGS members don't get any homework or jobs to action, so it is a great way to have your say about what is happening at your child's school and provide valuable contributions to support our school to grow and shine.
If you would like to join PEGS, please contact Nyree Burton (DP Student Support & Welfare) on 4092 8100 or pop in and see our friendly office staff.